


TANZANIA YOUTH ALLIANCE is a non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization established in November, 1997 under the provisions of Trustees’Incorporation Ordinance of 1956 (Cap 375 of the laws of Tanzania) with registration number 1497. It is an alliance of partners designed to serve youth in urban and rural areas through Information Communication Technology (ICT). Its headquarters are at Msasani Beach plot 889/890, in Kinondoni District, Dar es Salaam. TAYOA has grown to be a vibrant indigenous organization transforming young peoples’ dreams into reality. TAYOA embraces creativity and innovation through Information Communication Technology (ICT) on projects ranging from HIV prevention, leadership and governance, employability and entrepreneurship.

TAYOA’s Vision statement

Empowered and resilient youth and women, leading a prosperous and healthy life.

TAYOA's Mission statement

To unleash the potential of youth and women through information technology, mindset and behavior change, leadership, entrepreneurship and employability.

TAYOA’s strategic directions reflect the multisector nature of the National
Health Helpline a d mhealth Services that relate to a range of programs that TAYOA is planning to implement in collaboration with a variety of institutions in order to contribute to the country strategies. These strategic directions reflect TAYOA’s priorities and business needs for the next three years.
SD I. Scaled up capacity and strengthened sustainability of the National Health Helpline and Mobile Health Services.
SD II. Increased uptake of HIV prevention, care and treatment services AGYWs and Men
SD III. Reduced unmet need for reproductive health, family planning and sexual health among youth and women
SD IV. Increased gender equality and access to GBV services and good health services among women and youth
SD V. Promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic, financial and employment growth among women and youth
SD VI. Improved Good Governance and Equitable Health Service Delivery through Innovation
SD VII. Enhanced youth civic engagement and participation in processes of National development
SD VIII. Improved M&E through Digital Auxiliary Monitoring and Evaluation System (DAMES)



TAYOA is implementing community level adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) and adolescent boys and young men (ABYM) biomedical, behavioral and structural HIV prevention intervention brandedas “TIMIZA MALENGO” in 7 target Districts of Morogoro, and Dodoma targeting 113,445 AGYW.


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