Assisted AGYW to report GBV Case to Police Gender Desk Officer

Domestic violence against women has been considered a very serious public health problem. Data from different surveys indicate a high prevalence of domestic violence against women in all societies. However, prevalence data show only one side of the problem: the seriousness of the problem in terms of how widespread it is in our societies. Another side of the problem, one that has received less attention, is that most of the cases of domestic violence are unreported.

“Many women are victims of domestic violence; we are not reaching them because most cases are unreported” Kevin Chando Dodoma CC police gender desk insisted. The reasons so many cases go unreported are both personal (embarrassment, fear of retaliation, economic dependency) and societal (imbalanced power relations for men and women in society, privacy of the family, victim blaming attitudes)

Fidesta Alex Bamwoya is one among the new trained Peer Educators of TIMIZA MALENGO PLUS residing in Dodoma City Council at Ihumwa Ward, Chang’ombe Street. Dodoma City is among the new councils added to TIMIZA MALENGO PLUS 2021/23 project. Fidesta while reaching her fellow peers, she met 20-year-old girl called Naomi who was raped. Fidesta main task was to provide referral services to Naomi.

Naomi is the last-born and the only girl child in her family. She is a single mother to a baby boy (3 years old) whom she gave birth to her as teenager. On 14th June Naomi was travelling from Dar to Dodoma, on her way back home she decided to board a Motorbike. Another man (a friend to motorbike driver) also boarded the same Motorbike making a total of three people in one motorbike. In the mid of the journey the driver stopped driving at a bushy place pretending that there was no fuel in the motorbike.  As soon as they stopped the driver immediately grabbed Naomi and started removing Naomi’s Clothes by force and raped her.

While the other man waiting for his turn, the first man (driver) wasn’t willing to give chance for the second man (his friend), so they started quarreling, Naomi used that moment ran away and call his elder brother for help.

As Fidesta (Peer Educator) heard the news, so she decided to intervene and help Naomi. Naomi said
“although I was able to escape the rapist, I didn’t know where to go and report but I was also very embarrassed to tell anyone and I believed it was my fault to agree to get on a bodaboda with someone else that I did not know.”

Felista was able to reported Naomi’s case to the Ward Executive Officer and referred her to the Central Police station gender desk officer. The suspects were arrested and taken into custody. Fidesta escorted Naomi to the Hospital for checkup and treatment. Naomi was introduced to the Social Welfare Officer at Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital who assisted Naomi to receive medical services.

Although there is low cases of GBV reporting, peer educator was able to assist the client to understand that she was not at fault for this accident to happen. Peer educator was able to share knowledge on effect of GBV and importance of reporting cases to the right departments. Naomi was successfully assisted by TIMIZA MALENGO PLUS Peer Educator to get medical assistance and psychological counseling. The person who raped her is still on the hands of the police for further legal proceedings. TIMIZA MALENGO PLUS project showed success in combating gender based violence.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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