The fight against new HIV infections and gender based violence

One in three women worldwide experience physical or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation, and the immediate and long-term physical, sexual, and mental consequences for women and girls can be devastating, including HIV infections, STIs, FGM, Early Marriages, Unwanted pregnancies, Disabilities or Death.

In Tanzania, 40% of all women aged 15-49 years have experienced physical violence, while 17% have experienced sexual violence. Of women aged 15-49, 44% have experienced either physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner. Spousal violence prevalence is highest in rural areas, averaging 52% while the prevalence in urban areas averages 45%. Almost 30% of girls experience sexual violence before the age of 18, (World Bank, 2022).

Happy Jerome Balisidya is one among the trained Peer Educators of TIMIZA MALENGO PLUS residing in Dodoma City Council at Tambukareli Ward, Chadulu Street. She met 18-year-old girl called Nasma Ramadhani Tully who was physically abused by her husband. “My husband often bits me when he gets back home drunk and I have been scared to expose his behavior because he settles the bills “she explained.

Happy (peer educator) reffered Nasma to Railway Dispensary for HIV testing and Gender based violence services whereby HTS provider and CBHS linked her to social welfare desk. The officers called the client’s husband and relatives to discuss the situation. She eventually divorced her husband and she is now living with her aunt.
“I thank TIMIZAMALENGO PLUS project support for freeing me from my former husband physical violence and humiliation. However, I know my HIV status and I am among IGA beneficiaries who received training and soon I will start my own business as soon as I receive seed money from TIMIZA MALENGO PLUS that will help me generate my own income thus my next husband can no longer abuse me by his money”, Nasma happily expressed her gratitude..
Nasma Ramadhani Tully


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