TAYOA has a long history of working on differentiated HIV Testing services including community based HIV testing. In 2001, TAYOA implemented one of the first community based outreach HIV testing programmes at the Ubungo main Bus Terminal, that provided HIV testing and health education targeting bus drivers, conductors and crew, travelers and business people. In 2013 – 2017, with the support from PEPFAR/CDC, TAYOA provided combination prevention campaigns focusing on HIV testing and counselling services targeting KVP through mobile community-based outreach in Dar es Salaam and Pwani regions. Different strategies such as moonlight events, peer organized sessions and index testing were used. Through GFATM TIMIZA MALENGO project, TAYOA worked with Local Government Authorities and health providers to conduct community HIV testing targeting AGYW.

This intervention is designed to support the most vulnerable AGYW to know their HIV status and link to care. The HTS intervention starts with mapping of hotspots within the communities. Mapping is conducted in collaboration with community leaders, peer educators, parents and district level leaders such as Council HIV/AIDS coordinator (CHAC) and District AIDS Coordinator (DACC). The HTS is conducted by HIV/AIDS trained health workers who are competent to provide appropriate screening as per the national HIV screening tool, counseling and linkage to care with the support from Community Health Workers (CHWs). Up to the June 2020, TAYOA has managed to provide HIV testing to 82,902 AGYW and linked 98% of those who tested positive to HIV care.


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