Facilitating HCWs to provide Health Services and referrals to AGYWs (HTS, Safer sex, condom use, SRH, GBV, HIV, STI, PrEP, ART, Nutrition, Cervical Cancer, disclosure and adherence to ARVs treatment) during post football, games sessions and bonanza, artists and celebrities edutainment campaign.
The program has worked with CHMT mainly DACC to ensure having qualified counselor’s and CHWs from the selected wards of intervention, the activity was conducted in all twelve districts with the aim of reaching AGYW with HIV testing services.
To ensure targeted HTS services, HIV eligibility screening tool was used to screen AGYW and the use of Human Centre Design (HCD) approach was used to identify person who are at higher risk of HIV infection and linked to counselors for HTS.
The program also reached other age group through index testing approach, those identified HIV positive were asked to list their sexual partners and followed one after another for counseling and HIV testing.
To execute this activity, the program supported a total of 208 HTS providers and CBHS across all 12 councils who were involved in the HTS activity. The team used National HIV eligibility screening tool to identify those who were screened, eligible and qualified for HIV testing and the following are the results.
The program has worked with CHMT mainly DACC to ensure having qualified counselor’s and CHWs from the selected wards of intervention, the activity was conducted in all twelve districts with the aim of reaching AGYW with HIV testing services.
To ensure targeted HTS services, HIV eligibility screening tool was used to screen AGYW and the use of Human Centre Design (HCD) approach was used to identify person who are at higher risk of HIV infection and linked to counselors for HTS.
The program also reached other age group through index testing approach, those identified HIV positive were asked to list their sexual partners and followed one after another for counseling and HIV testing.
To execute this activity, the program supported a total of 208 HTS providers and CBHS across all 12 councils who were involved in the HTS activity. The team used National HIV eligibility screening tool to identify those who were screened, eligible and qualified for HIV testing and the following are the results.